We(ed) Won The Election. Now What?

The vote has been counted, news anchors have gotten some rest and a change of clothes, and people across the globe are in the street...to celebrate.

I had intended to release an article this week about cannabis and colonialism, comparing and contrasting attitudes, methods and outcomes. But looking to the past in moments like these really misses the wave I feel. So I thought about the Biden-Harris administration and got excited enough to do a pump-up piece for federal legalization. Then I thought it might be prudent to refocus on which structures are still damming the green flood (cough McConnel!), or maybe how this new leadership at least gives us a chance at making the world somewhat better. Or, conversely, how a little less than half of this country thinks totally otherwise. 

But honestly, my hopes are just way too HIGH for any of that. 


This election signals so much goodness to so many of the people I love. Even those who do not support Biden, this a move in the right direction for every reason. Hate has been rebuked, hope has been restored, and everyone everywhere seems to be just a little bit lighter. It feels like the whole world just had a joint of blue dream and a perfect coffee on a bright, crisp November morning. Ok, maybe that was just me, but nonetheless, I’m going to use this space to imagine with bright eyes and a full heart. Just let myself run through some thoughts without the obstacles of the past 4 years.
First things first, cannabis is federally rescheduled. State and federal bureaus work together through the kinks of tax revenue and criminal justice reform, but eventually we fully expunge all non-violent cannabis offenders and also set up a way for cannabis revenue to benefit at the local, state, and federal levels. With that key-stone removed, the levee finally breaks. Scientists, chefs, soldiers, farmers, doctors, entrepreneurs, architects, and designers stomp through red tape moving forward with the highest of aspirations. The market explodes, all the good numbers go up, and conservatives brag about investing in pot before it was fully legal. Cannabis assimilates to the mainstream and weed becomes as commonplace as tea.
The funding surge pushes advancements in cannabinoid therapies and remedies proliferate as another resource joins the fight for our physical and mental health  Those who could not eat, eat again. Those who could not rest are still. Those who didn’t think they could fully live finally do. Crime, unemployment, overdoses, and national debt decline. Abused and over harvested land gets bought up by growers, and the soil starts to revive. It brings back the birds and the butterflies, the bees and other bugs. We begin to more sustainably rely on hemp based fabrics and plastics, we save water and we save species, we lower carbon emissions and have more land for more trees. Fast fashion becomes obsolete, along with other fossil fuel industries and their pocketed politicians. Schools and small businesses grow, cities and streets get cleaner and brighter, the air is clearer and our clothes are more comfortable.

Is it the THC entering our collective system? Is this Toffler’s 3rd wave? Are we finally ready for the zero point energy from the aliens? 

Were all happy and sustained, and everyone around us is also happy and sustained. Turns out that's what we all really wanted. Everyone let go of the culture wars and just decided to indulge each other with openness and kindness. The old ways of trying to legislate someone else’s life or body or rights is so tacky even the great grandparents get it. All the things that once divided us now only distinguish us for mostly practical, but also fun, reasons. We thrive in the uniqueness of other humans, character is our only rubric for relationships. 


You can say I’m naïve, and to be fair, this is an actual real life pipe dream. But is it so unbelievable now as it was a week ago? A year ago? Despite the breadth of our differences, the progressive side of this country was able to unite for this one massively historic moment. This election marks a prosperous shift for America’s future, and I am humbled by the absolute power of hope which steadied us through it all. I have to agree with Obama, it’s audacious af to think that we can overcome all the money and guns and evil men just so that everyone gets to enjoy being an earthling for a century or so. But think of what we have already overcome. The momentum is carrying us. 
Cannabis won this election but so did science, compassion, and truth. It feels like we are back on the rails again, and there is room for principles, integrity, and good character to support and guide us. With soft voices and good sense we have to lean into this new world and bring along everyone we can. Biden and Harris won the White House but we won  positive change. Because of your conversations, your platform, your lifestyle, your money, your stories, your marches, your vote, your attitude, your compassion for life and all that lives… we did this… There is so much room for so much good, and I know I am the only one these last few days inspired. It's up to our words, actions, imaginations, and thumbs to actualize a world made right again.


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